Post-doctoral position starting on September 1st, 2020

A post-doctoral position starting on September 1st, 2020 is currently open in the laboratory of angiogenesis and cancer microenvironment INSERM Unit1029 at the University of Bordeaux in the field of tumor angiogenesis and metastasis. The proposed post-doctoral project, dealing with the processes of invasion and metastasis will be conducted within the dynamic interaction between fundamental and clinical research. During the first year of the project (potential additional 1 year), the candidate will investigate the effect of a newly identified tumor suppressor marker by our team in tumor progression and angiogenesis.
Highly motivated candidates with excellent experimental knowledge in the field of molecular and cellular biology and biochemistry, please send your letter of motivation and full CV to
An experience with the zebrafish model is very welcome.

Séminaire de Gerhard Christofori, 7 mai 2019

Gerhard is Professor at the university of Basel and a leading figure in tumor microenvironment research. He did his post-doc with Doug Hanahan at UCSF, moved then to Vienna at the IMP and finally to Basel at the Biozentrum. He published many papers on the subject and has recently turned his attention into reprogramming tumor cells to become…FAT CELLS !!! This was recently published in Cancer Cell.

He will be in Bordeaux May 7 for a seminar to talk about his recent work.

Séminaires cette année

We will have the following forthcoming seminars:

 June 19, Solange Landreville(Université de Laval, Quebec) Topic: Ocular Melanoma

July 4th, Olivier Ayrault (Institut Curie). Topic: Medulloblastoma

October 22, Ugo Cavallaro (EIO, Milan). Topic: Ovarian carcinomas

 November 14, Johanna Joyce (EPFL, Lausanne). Topic: tumor microenvironment.

Soutenance d’ HDR de Clotilde Billotet

Le laboratoire est fier de vous annoncer la future Soutenance d’HDR de Clotilde Billotet intitulée “Comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans le développement et l’invasion des tumeurs” qui aura lieu le 23 mars 2018 à 13h30 dans l’amphithéâtre du Bâtiment B6 (Université de Bordeaux, Campus de Talence / Pessac).

Nous lui souhaitons bonne réussite !

Rendez-vous Recherche : Cancers et Médecine de Précision le 14 mars

La Fondation ARC, en partenariat avec le journal Sud Ouest, propose des Rendez-vous Recherche afin de mettre en relation des chercheurs soutenus par la Fondation ARC et le public.

Le prochain Rendez-vous Recherche aura lieu le 14 mars 2018 à 18h30 à la Cité mondiale (Parvis des Chartrons, Bordeaux), et sera dédié aux avancées de la recherche sur le thème “Cancers et médecine de précision”. Continuer la lecture de « Rendez-vous Recherche : Cancers et Médecine de Précision le 14 mars »