Integrated Cancer Research Site Label (SIRIC)

Bordeaux has been recently awarded with the label “Integrated Cancer Research Site (SIRIC)” from the National Cancer Institute (INCA). Three main projects are included in the Bordeaux SIRIC program. One of these projects, COMMUCAN, coordinated by A. Bikfalvi, is related to translational aspects involving the tumor microenvironment.

The SIRIC label is awarded for 5 years with an evaluation after 3 years.

Author: Andreas Bikfalvi

Médecin et chercheur. Professeur d'université. Directeur du laboratoire LAMC-INSERM. Champs de recherche: Cancérologie et biologie vasculaire (Invasion tumorale, Angiogenèse, Microenvironnement tumoral). D'autres intérêts académiques: Philosophie des sciences.