Seminar by Denis Wirtz January 14, 2021

Denis Wirtz is the Vice Provost for Research, the TH Smoot Professor, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Pathology, Oncology and the Director Johns Hopkins Physical Sciences-Oncology Center. He was invited in the frame of our distinguished seminar series. His talk was centered on metastasis in breast cancer. Enclosed the link to watch the Video:


The November Cancer Month

We will have three outstanding seminars in November. Seminars will be held through visioconference:

Peter Friedl, RadboudUMC, Nijmegen and MD Anderson, Houston November 3th, 11 am

Robert Weinberg, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge USA November 17th 4pm

Rakesh Jain, Harvard University, Boston USA, November 19th  4 pm

Details will follow.

Post lock-down at INSERM U1029

We have started already to resume our activities from juin on by following strict distancing rules and wearing mask. The COVID situation in France is not good, but we hope that we can go through this by maintaining quality research and our health. Informations related to our activitiés will be posted shortly.